We stand with a broken heart in front of your open coffin,
You were our light and our sun, and you made every person you met smile with your friendliness and your zest for life. We do not understand why you had to leave so early. We would have loved to go on through life with you.
Rest in peace my sweetheart.
Judith Katharina Küffner
*1998 ✞ 2020
You will be always in our hearts.
Winfried, Andrea & Susana
Peter, Yvonne & Cheyenne.
Judith suffered a massive pulmonary embolism. As a result of the lack of oxygen, she also suffered massive cerebral edema. We do not currently know the cause of the pulmonary embolism, but doctors have their suspicion. However, we know for a fact that this was not caused by COVID-19.
We are celebrating Judith’s life together with our family and friends in Germany and later in Mexico. We will ask her loved ones to join us with a positive light and we will let you know as soon as possible when we have a definite date.
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So very sad for your family.
Arlene from OR.
Dear Andrea and Yvonne.. Our hearts are aching for you and your families. Sending hugs from Neil, Pat and Dylan (Braun).
I am so incredibly sad to hear of your loss. Please know that all of you are in my heart. There are no other words…..love, Shannon
Thinking of Judith and all of you and all the wonderful times we had together in La Cruz. Lots of love from Bones, Holly, Kai, and Max.
I am so very sorry for your unspeakable loss of Judith! You are all in my thoughts and prayers. I have learned that grief is a very individual and long journey. May your memories and love comfort your hearts.